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At HypoNova, we take all customer complaints very seriously. If you have a problem or concern, we are here to help and will do everything we can to resolve the situation fairly and quickly.

1. Contact us directly If you have a complaint, please contact us directly by phone or email. We will respond as soon as possible to discuss your complaint and find a solution.

2. Complaint handling process :When you contact us with a complaint, we will follow a clear and transparent complaint handling process. We will take the time to understand your concern, investigate the issue and communicate with you throughout the process to keep you informed of the progress of your complaint.

3. Assessment and resolution of the complaint : We will assess your complaint fairly and impartially, and work with you to find a satisfactory solution that addresses your concerns.

Within 10 days of registering the complaint in the complaints register, an acknowledgement of receipt (notice) will be sent to you:

•The name and contact details of the person responsible for handling complaints;

•Processing time

•A description of the complaint, specifying the harm suffered or potential harm, the complaint against the registrant and the corrective action requested;

•The following statements:

-That the complainant may request the transfer of his or her file to the Authority if he or she is dissatisfied with the firm’s handling of the complaint or with the final response;

-That, if necessary, the Authority will analyse its file and propose a dispute resolution service;

-That the submission of his complaint to the authority does not interrupt the statute of limitations for his appeals to the civil courts. Within a reasonable time, a final response will be sent to the complainant.

At the request of the complainant, the firm will forward the complaint file to the Authority without delay. If we are unable to resolve the matter immediately, we will provide you with a reasonable period of time to resolve the situation.

4.Comments and follow-up :We value feedback from our customers and will use your comments to improve our service in the future. After your complaint has been resolved, we will contact you to ensure that you are satisfied with the way we have handled your complaint and to get your feedback on the process.

5. Regulatory authorities: If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled, you can contact the appropriate regulatory authorities (AMF) for assistance.

By offering a clear and transparent complaint handling policy, the company aims to demonstrate its commitment to customer satisfaction and the prompt and fair resolution of complaints in order to build customer confidence and contribute to a strong and lasting relationship.